
Personal Boundaries

Before proceeding, please note that this section is something to be considered as to know better about Miharu as the user of @calxspring and how she acts in this yume account. It may contain things you'll hardly catch at first glance, and all context cannot be remembered immediately. But she really appreciate someone who read this section.This section might take a long time to read and contain sensitive issues; some points might have long sentences, so please read carefully.

— 01. Account purpose

@calxspring is a yume account, and really strict to her comfort.* This account used for :

  1. Posting any yumearts / yumefics / yume rambles / merch show off / screenshot in game sharing that are related to her oshi (Albedo/Leo).

  2. Reposting and likes to her mutual's yumeposting.

  3. Reposting and Likes to any contents about her current oshi (Albedo/Leo) and her characters that are listed in her yumelist. Sometimes will give QRT to it.

  4. Posting about her interaction with her yume mutuals, such as when she meets irl with her mutuals, or do co-op in game with her mutuals.

* Even so, @calxspring is still a public account, and she's trying her best not to violate any public rules, ethics, or boundaries in this account.* Some reposts might contain Headcanon, spoiler, and any post you avoid to see such as "doubles", etc. If you are uncomfortable, please mute user's repost, she will also do the same to your account.* If there's a day when she posts something unrelated to any points above, it must be an urgent things in her perspective, such as : Genocide (only provided it in repost), urgent political issue such as "Peringatan Darurat" a rare case happened on August 2024 that needs much attention, Boycot products related/unrelated to her fandom because of the Genoside issue, Urgent data needs (such as for her Final project or friend's).

— 02. Words use

Please note that any tweets she puts in @calxspring are mostly personal thoughts and not related to other party, except when she mentions someone on her head tweet.She has no harm intention of hurting anyone especially her mutuals. If one day you get hurt by her words, please tell her kindly via DM.

— 03. Something not to ask

In this account, exceptionally when she initiate it, please do not ask her about anything related to :

  1. Why she chose to be a doutankyouhi.

  2. Private thought and her real-life.

  3. Any discourse or drama about her mutuals, friends or other parties.

— 04. Posting and Content Warning

  1. #Kreidespring is a hashtag to post AlbeMiha (Albedo x OC sona) content.

  2. #Primaveraconcerto is a hashtag to post LeoMi (Tsukinaga Leo x OC) content.

  3. #verumhominae is a hashtag to post OC/sona content, mostly refers to Miharu (Genshin).

  4. // RL posting is a Content Warning for posts anything related to rl, but it won't be the main contents on @calxspring. Rl posting often contains about when she meets up with her yume friends/mutuals.

  5. Yume Rambles will not be added with // content warning.

  6. Urgent Posting will not be added with // content warning. Make sure you're provided with latest news if you want to avoid these issue.

  7. NariAmi, NaviaN are // content warnings for yumesides. NariAmi (Tighnari x OC), NaviaN (Navia x OC).

  8. Contents that are related to platonic yume will be provided with // platonic.

  9. She will try her best to put any Trigger contents if she knows well the keywords (early apologize that she still needs to learn about many of TW keywords she has to provide in the future).

  10. Please provide CW/TW for Blood, Gore (especially the heavy one), NSFW (in sexual meaning), Suggestive (content that is leaning to NSFW but not implied nude/ bikini/ lingerie/ sexual activities, such as french kiss/ tongue tied, sensitive/ sexual area touching, etc.), insects, especially COCKROACH. User are really sensitive to these contents. Although she's 23+ but she has low tolerance to NSFW posting, she will be selective to see any of these contents, and as the main carrd said, you don't have to worry much for she already muting the words if you want to post what mentioned above.

  11. Please note that she will mute someone who post too much rl related. In this account, she avoids knowing about your rl too much. It'll be okay If it's about urgent matters, and going out with yume related. Please be thoughtful to your real life.

  12. Please do not mentions any ships in front of her. This account is for yume-purpose only, and she will not share any canon x canon ship related, so she hopes you won't mention it either. She will mute your account immediately once she sees you often mention them in her timeline.

With these boundaries about posting, If you are uncomfortable to any of these contents, please mute the hashtags/ keywords, or kindly tell your concern about this to her via DM.

— 05. OC/sona

  1. Miharu genshin is her self-insert. You can assume Miharu genshin as the user herself, but please note that anything related to fiction will be in fiction only. There are some actions in her lore that have no relation to user's real life.

  2. To differentiate between Miharu (User) and Miharu (OCsona), you may call user as Miha, while her OCsona stays with Miharu. It's one of the easiest ways to interact. Worry not, she won't force you to use this method. Please be comfortable calling the user/ocsona with anything as long as it's still appropriate.

  3. Kanzaki Miharu / Tsukinaga Miharu (marriage life), Arami, and Navin are her OCs (Original Characters). They're not her self-insert so do not see them as user. user only sees them as her child/friend and any lore related to them has no relation with the user.

  4. Please differentiate between Miharu genshin and Kanzaki Miharu, for Miharu is the user's self-insert, while Kanzaki Miharu is only an OC.

  5. You can't take references from characters that are listed here (Miharu, Kanzaki Miharu, Arami, Navin) without any permission from the user. user really appreciate if you like her OC/sona, but please do not make it as a reason for "stealing idea." She would be happy if you ask and discuss with her kindly through DM.

  6. Please do not force any headcanon to the user's yumeship or oc/sona. She builds the lore and headcanon through the years by herself and is already comfortable with it.

— 06. Albedo, Leo, and characters listed in Yume Master list

  1. Currently her main Oshi is Albedo only. Miharu/Miha is really selective to talk deeply about Albedo with someone because your perspective about Albedo will really matter to her. If you are Albedo Oshi and have no yumeship with him, it'll be okay to interact once in a while about him with user.

  2. Please do not consider Albedo as your main oshi or talk mainly about him as if you love him that much in front of Miha. Even if you do, please don't ever talk or bring a little hint about it in front of her. She's really sensitive about it, please be mindful.

  3. She rarely talks about Leo due to personal reasons. She considers Leo as Oshi but not mainly as Albedo. Please do not talk about this issue in front of her except when she initiates first.

  4. Same as number 5, do not force any headcanon about her oshi to her face.

  5. She's not an Oshi is Mine (OIM) person. Please kindly differentiate between OIM and doutankyouhi. She won't give any harm to doubles and just mute/block them from her account.

  6. Some of other characters mentioned aside Albedo and Leo in this carrd are considered to be her favorite characters. A lower level below "Oshi." (except Cyno, Dottore, and Tenshouin Eichi).

  7. Because this account is yume-purpose, please note that Out of Character from Albedo, Leo, and characters that are listed in yume master list can not be avoided.

— 07. Taglist and Thought, Rambles sharing, and others.

  1. Miha will ask you kindly if she wants to be put in your temporer/ permanent taglist of your content. Please do not force her about this.

  2. Her yume rambles in timeline are leaning to personal thoughts and has no relations with the franchise she's in. She didn't forbid anyone who wants to interact with it but please be wise as the content even the interaction might be really sensitive for her or even yourself.

  3. She's okay to be mutuals with hybrid account, limited only to : Art acc + yumeacc, writing acc + yume acc, both art and writing acc + yumeacc, commission acc + yume acc. Another acc that are not mentioned are still under consideration as long it doesn't implied RL and rant posting (some of her mutuals will be excluded, but some will be muted/BUB-ed).

  4. Your background would not matter in her eyes, but she will avoid someone who hurt another yumeacc/ yumejin, and thought of yume as competition in unhealthy way, and someone who's infamous of hurting others for their own ego. No one in yumetwt community would like to see such things.

  5. Please understand more about what is "can not differentiate between fiction and reality," "You can't control others," and about "yume = dream." You might often see this sentence in other's carrd/rentry. Hopefully when you decide to do yume in public, you know these hidden rules and know how to behave ethically in public.

Last words: She may be uncomfortable with some of your contents after becoming mutuals, yet she had many considerations when she decided to mute/block someone in this Yume account (@calxspring) or when she chose to DM you privately about this concern.Please know she's also a human and also understand that everyone is human here. People have their own struggles, and sometimes a little reaching out might help them. As she mentions in number 2, she's really sorry if she ever hurts you consciously and unconsciously. Please tell her kindly and discuss how to solve the problem if it's needed.

Thank you for reading until the end <3 May you have a healthy body and mind and surrounded by many good people.Best wishes to you.

Why are you Blocked/Muted/BUB-ed

  1. You're not Miharu's mutual, and have yumeship with her current oshis (Albedo from Genshin Impact and Tsukinaga Leo from Ensemble Stars) because she's really sensitive to certain headcanons, especially when it's related to her oshi. Please do not mind this as something negative, block and mute an account because you're uncomfortable seeing it, is a normal thing to do on social media. She's aware that her act might cause some little trouble, but she has no ill intention by block you from her acc and will understand if you feel uncomfortable by her strictness then decide to block back. She's also not an oshi is mine and let you have your own thoughts towards Albedo/Leo because if she saw it, she will pass them immediately.

  2. You bring discourse a lot, or you are infamous of talking bad about others, a lot. As you see, she's very sensitive with how others perceive something, although she won't mention it, yet she will overthinks about it automatically, and because of that reason she will avoid and block immediately someone who cause so much trouble like that.

  3. You're one of her mutuals, yet suddenly adding a yumeship with her current oshi (Albedo and/or Tsukinaga Leo) Miharu will be really strict to add new mutual and accept any headcanons with her current mutuals. It will be fine for her current mutuals who has yumeship with her current oshi before September 2023, but she will accept no one who suddenly has yume with her current oshi. If you're someone close to her, she will consider not to BUB you from her yumain acc (calxspring), yet if you're not someone close to her, she might BUB you suddenly without a word.

  4. You had a fought before and has unresolved problem with Miharu in the past. She's not someone who suddenly fight someone without a clear reason. If you're blocked this way, it means the trouble caused before has major impact on her current mental stability, and she has no reason of seeing the face of someone who cause that trouble anymore.

  5. You hurt Miharu's close friends.

Blocked/BUBed/Muted from this yumain acc (calxspring) doesn't mean you have no access to her Main Account : keydeprinzessinThis yume account (calxspring) indeed is really strict to Miharu's comfort. That's why if she's really uncomfortable with someone, that account will be added to her personal mute/block list. If it's in her Main Acc (keydeprinzessin) all of the contents of the carrd and rentry in her yumain acc will be no valid. Either this kreidespring acc and keydeprinzessin acc will has its own rules on their own carrd and is not related to each other rules.

Yume Master List.

Adding this yumeship masterlist and a warning, so you can be aware if you want to be friend with Miharu, and check if your oshi are mentioned below.

— 01. Genshin Impact

CharacterOC/SonaAcronim and SharingYumeship StatusRelated Affiliation
AlbedoMiharu (She/Her, self-insert)AlbeMiha, Kreidespring ✨🕯️ (NO SHARING)RomanticMondstadt, Knights of Favonius, Fatui, Hexenzirkel, Yae Publishing House
TighnariArami (She/Her, OC)NariAmi 🍄💐 (Strictly Selective Sharing)RomanticSumeru, Aranara, Avidya Forest Ranger, Akademiya
NaviaNavin (He/Him, OC)NaviaN (Strictly Selective Sharing)RomanticSumeru, Matra, Spina di Rosula, Akademiya
Aether (Traveler)MiharuSelective SharingPlatonicKnights of Favonius, Adventurer's Guild.
KleeMiharuOK SharingPlatonic-
WandererMiharuOK SharingPlatonic (complicated)-
Raiden EiMiharuOK SharingPlatonic (complicated)-
AmberMiharuOK SharingPlatonic-
Mona MegistusMiharuOK SharingPlatonic-
CynoArami, NavinOK SharingPlatonic-
ColleiMiharu, AramiOK SharingPlatonic-
TartagliaMiharuOK SharingPlatonic-
DottoreMiharuOK SharingPlatonic-

— 02. Ensemble Stars

CharacterOC/SonaAcronim and StatusYumeship StatusRelated Affiliation
Tsukinaga LeoKanzaki Miharu (She/Her, OC)LeoMi, Primaveraconcerto 🎶🖌️ (NO SHARING)RomanticP-Association, Knights, NEW DIMENSION
Kanzaki SoumaKanzaki MIharu(Strictly Selective Sharing)Platonic (Siblings)Akatsuki, Rhythm Links
Sena IzumiKanzaki MiharuOK sharingPlatonic-
Tenshouin EichiKanzaki MiharuOK sharingPlatonic-
  1. Red Text and Emojis is Miharu's main yumeship, and is NO SHARING to anyone new.

  2. Bold and with Emojis are her romantic yumeships, with selective sharing.

  3. Complicated platonic status have more complicated relationship, such mutual hate relationship, undetermined (but not romantic), etc. You will know more after becoming friends with Miha. She know it's probably really sensitive to any of you, so she wants to warn it first.

  4. Although she's listing her yumeships like this, it doesn't mean she will always mention them in her account (at certain time, once in a while, she will mention them/make some arts about them) truthfully they're really rare to appear in her account because she focuses more on AlbeMiha and LeoMi.

Important to Note :She has yume in Honkai: Star Rail as well, but won't mention it on timeline until she's prepared (a platonic yume only with Astral Express). Her Genshin Impact yume lore might related to her yume lore in Honkai: Star Rail/Honkai-verse.Her yume mostly are having deep lore, so any character she mentioned above are character whose having a deep lore and relationship with her OC/Sona. And as she mentioned, she also connecting her OC/Sona with any affiliation mentioned above, and will have a relationship with any character related to that affiliation (not in deep relationship unless the character she mentioned above).So if you feel uncomfortable, she will understand, and you're free to mute/bub/block her account.

—End of Section.